Marco Maria Gastaldi

Luthier Marco María Gastialdi Photo

He has been working as a violin and bow maker for the last twenty years, applying all his intellectual and manual skills to the creation of instruments that can best satisfy all the requirements  of string quartet musicians.

He personally takes care of every process: from the accurate selection of wood and material of excellent quality to the final adjustment on every instrument.

In 1990, driven by a keen passion he entered the "Civica Scuola di Liuteria" in Milan, where he learned how to make new instruments under the teaching of Maestro Luca Primon and restoration under Maestro Gabriele Negri. He graduated in violinmaking in 1994.

He has been living and working in Cremona since 1991, a city he found ideal to realize his ambitions in his range of activity. He produces totally handmade instruments, freely inspired to those created by the traditional masters: Gasparo da Salò, Nicola Amati, Antonio Stradivari, Giuseppe Guarnieri del Gesù, Giovanni Battista and Pietro Giacomo Rogeri.

The varnish he uses is made with linseed oil, colophon and amber, that allows him to make “new” instruments, old-style ones and copies of the most famous.

As he firmly believes in reaching the best possible insight into the problems involved in playing a string instrument, he attended a bow making course hold by masters Giovani Lucchi, Germano Santi and Daniel Navea Vera, from 1994 to 1996. He is now a bowmaker too to be able to supply his customers the whole needs.

In the same spirit and for the same reasons, he has learned to play the violin and the viola with Maesto Fausto Solci as a teacher.

Though he is an amateur playing, this practice allows him to consider instruments from the musician’s point of view, an approach that, though convergent, is often far from the violinmaker’s. Thanks to this double approach, he has improved and refined his perception of acoustic and sound varieties as well as of the peculiarities of every single instrument.