Born in Salerno on January 3rd, 1962. As a young man, Luca was attracted to music, fine arts and the art of woodworking. After his classical studies, he moved to Cremona and attended the International Violinmaking School, where he graduated in 1982, obtaining the diploma of “Maestro liutaio” (Master Violinmaker).
Somewhat reluctant to take part in competitions, he nevertheless participated in numerous exhibitions all around the world (U.S.A. “Cremona Exhibitions”, Paris “Musicorà”, Tokyo “Music Fair, Switzerland Montreux, New Zealand “Auckland Philharmonic”, Belgium, Germany, Cremona, Salerno, Torino, Milano, Matera, Naples- ecc).
He is member of The Consortium of Violinmakers “Antonio Stradivari” Cremona (he was a founding member and was active with the first Board of Directors).
He participated in many symposiums and held conferences in Music conservatories (Torino, Milano, Salerno, Matera), concert and violinmaking events (“Scario Musica”, Salerno, Montreux “Voice and Music” Switzerland), in so many Italian schools and took part in music masters in Europe (Musiktage Merzig, Germany, “Violamoore”, Salerno, “Scario Musica”, etc).
His work, in a constant artistic growth, is concentrated on the research of a personal aesthetical and acoustic style by constantly referring to the work of the classic Cremonese and Italian masters, with a particular attention to the selection of materials (wood and varnish), as well as a particular care in the aesthetics; therefore, each instrument made by Luca Maria Gallo can be considered “unique”.
His instruments are appreciated by professional performers, playing in large or small orchestras (La Scala in Milan, Orchestra of the University of Dortmund in Germany, Osaka Mozart Ensemble, Osaka Casals Ensemble, Orchestra Verdi in Salerno, and many others in Japan, U.S.A, Taiwan, Corea, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Scotland, Spain, New Zealand).